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Are you a Manager & Want to be a Leader ??? Here are some of the steps.

1. Managers are those kinds of breed who understand what a vision / mission of their company is. They percolate them down the line so that it is understood the way the Top Management understands. Leadership is lifting people’s visions, raising their performance to higher levels & developing their personality beyond their expected limits.

2. Managers are those kinds of people who follow the career path as drawn by the management. Leaders are those who know where they want to go, & with their enthusiasm design the path & go.

3. Managers handle people who give varied performances, correct them & give feedback. Leaders are those who develop, mentor & coach people to give their best performances at all times.

4. A good manager can become a great manager. A great manager is who is technically & tactically proficient. He has to made efforts to be a leader. A good leader is more than a great manager. He inspires & motivates people to go beyond they thought they could accomplish.

5. Managers are usually obeyed; leaders are respected. Managers strictly follow the guidelines as laud down by any organisation. Leaders go beyond the rules & policies to take care of people on rolls.

6. Managers love their designation, role, power, status. Leaders don’t believe in the trappings of those managerial perks which come with the designation at any stage.

7. Managers quite often discharge their role well. Leaders go much beyond their role & love to do those work which make them scary.

8. Managers believe in getting the job completed. Handle their men & resources to its optimum. Leaders believe in getting their executed brilliantly by his men under constraints. They believe & their belief of getting the work done rubs on others.

9. Leaders make an impact when they leave office. Managers make their presence when they leave office.

10. Managers follow the instructions of their Top Management & would like to be in their good books. Leaders not only interpret the instructions which are given but they go beyond those which are usually good for their people & organisation.

Leaders believe that the health of its people determine the health of its organization.

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