Leadership Instincts: Listen, Amplify, Include

Kansas can become quite hot in June, and on this particular day it was exceeding expectations. I was about to graduate from the Army’s mid-career school at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and this was the graduation ceremony. Outside, on metal folding chairs, in a wool...

How to Explain Earned Value to Dummies

In the course of my career I have encountered on numerous occasions a situation where executives, top managers and even project managers had issues with understanding the concept of Earned Value. So, I have developed a series of very simple examples to address that...

Les sources du pouvoir

Les processus du pouvoir sont dominants, complexes, et souvent déguisés dans notre société. La théorie des bases sociales du pouvoir de French and Raven identifie cinq (six) bases ou sources du pouvoir dans l’organisation sociale : Le pouvoir de récompenser.Cette...

Qu’est ce qu’une carte stratégique ?

Dans 2001 le livre « The Strategy-Focused Organization », Kaplan et Norton transforment leur Balanced Scorecard. En 1992 ils ont présenté le Balanced Scorecard dans la revue Harvard Business Review comme un système pour mesurer la performance ; maintenant ils le...